Welcome to Centennial High School Counseling

Please check our website often for date and time updates. 

For all counseling events and presentations, click on EVENTS & CALENDAR tab on the top bar

Graduation for Class of 2025!

NOTE: Students should download the Infinite Campus app onto their phones to receive the most up-to-date information regarding class schedules, grade updates, and attendance.


Course Verifications Round 2: March 18 – 24th

  • Course verifications allow you to see two things:
  1. The courses and levels (Honors, AP, IB etc.) that your current teachers recommended you for.
  2. The elective course(s) that YOU selected for next school year.


  • What do you need to do?
  1. Look at the course verification sheet closely. Instructions are on one side; your actual courses are on the other side.
  2. Follow the directions!!
  3. You should have 6 total courses because we have six class periods. (12 sections)
  4. If the class is a year-long class, you will see both semesters:

40.0510001  Chemistry first semester

40.0510002 Chemistry second semester

If it is just a one semester course (e.g., fitness), you will only see one entry


Next steps:

  • Take the verification sheet home and go over it with your parent/guardian.
  • Fill out BOTH SIDES of the verification sheet.
  • Sign your verification sheet.
  • Have your parent/guardian sign the verification sheet.
  • Turn into counseling no later than Wednesday, March 24th by 4 PM.
  • No email submissions. You must turn in the signed paper copy!



  • Starting on February 26th till March 5th, counselors will be available in the learning commons during KTT for a “Scheduling Blitz” to answer questions you may have about your verification form.
  • We will do the blitzes by grade level starting with our rising 10th graders (current 9th grade students) on Wednesday, followed by rising juniors on Thursday and then rising seniors on Friday.
  • Makeup day for any missed students will be Wed, March 5

***Note: If you requested the new course “Introduction to Financial Technology”, that course will show on your list as “Accounting” as a temporary place holder until the new course number is activated.

***Note: Elective requests for weightlifting for non CHS athletes will appear on the verification sheet as “Body Sculpting”.

Spring Training: College Admissions Edition

Led by top tutors and writing experts, these sessions will help students craft standout college essays, master SAT & ACT strategies, and navigate the latest ACT changes with confidence.

🔹 College Essay Dos & Don’ts – April 9 at 8 PM ET
🔹 SAT Math Mastery – April 15 at 8 PM ET
🔹 SAT Verbal Mastery – April 24 at 8 PM ET
🔹 Inside the New, Shorter ACT – April 29 at 8 PM ET

Register now at www.applerouth.com/spring-training


LINK: Registration Timeline– Centennial 25-26

To participate in Dual Enrollment, take online FVS or GAVS classes, or submit Course Waivers for the 2025-2026 School Year, ALL course registration paperwork must be submitted to Counseling by March 31, 2025.

This is a hard Fulton County deadline – no paperwork will be accepted after this date.

LINK: Centennial Course Catalog 25-26

Link: Elective Course Elective 2025-2026 Rising 10th-12th – Centennial High School

Link: Course Waiver for IB AP and Honors – Centennial High School


3/26 Hofstra University 11:55 

4/3  Florida Institute of Technology 9:20 

4/14 University of Alabama 9:20 

CLICK: http://www.mycentennialcounseling.com/academics-2/college-visits to register!

FOR QUICK ACCESS, Click on the BLUE ICONS for more information

Who Do I Ask for Help?: Centennial Contacts
Follow us! Instagram: @Cen10Counselors
College Visitations at Centennial
Filling out FAFSA
Personal Fitness Waiver
Student Attendance: Report an Absence
  • Email corresponding medical note or documentation to: Johnson, Sharinette: JohnsonS15@fultonschools.org
  • Consider checking-in with your child to ensure they’re caught up on missed assignments and determine if they need assistance and/or support. Reach out to your child’s teacher for assistance when necessary.
Work Permit, ADAP, and Certificate of Enrollment

Log into CLASSLINK – click on NAVIANCE.  Research colleges & careers, apply for scholarships and college visits, and much more!


Create an account to stay updated on your HOPE GPA eligibility; search HOPE/Zell Miller Scholarship information, applying to colleges, & more

Centennial High School website

Dual Enrollment Interested Students for 2025-2026

Step 1 – Please begin by watching/reviewing the Dual Enrollment VIRTUAL Informational Night presentation, posted HERE:

Step 2- Visit the DUAL ENROLLMENT WEBSITE to review requirements, required forms, colleges that participate, and all other information!

All required forms are to be completed by March 31, 2025 to take dual enrollment courses

ACT exam at Centennial for Juniors

Centennial HS Juniors are invited to take the upcoming ACT test to be held March 6, 2025, at Centennial High School. This test is an important opportunity for students to showcase their academic skills and prepare for college admissions.

Please note the following important details regarding the testing dates:

  • Test Date: Thursday, March 6, 2025
  • Test Location: Centennial High School
  • What to Bring: An approved calculator.
  • No Cost

In case you missed The Truth About College Admission (or if you just want to catch all the tips again!), it’s not too late to catch up.

During the event, admissions expert Rick Clark was able to share with us student-centered insight on topics ranging from the rigor of course loads to testing policies. It was an hour jam-packed with information to help guide your student through the admissions process – whatever stage they’re currently navigating!

Helpful Information

Find out more under the RESOURCES page