2024-25 CHS Counseling Calendar of Program Events & Services
Please review the DATES & TIMES of our Counseling Events below
***SUBJECT TO CHANGE, Please check back for updates per grade level of your student(s)***
UPDATE: Virtual Parent Information Night (Grades 9-12)
- Due to the inclement weather, Fulton County has canceled all evening activities for Sept 26, including our virtual Parent Night. All session videos and materials will be posted by October 3 to view.
- LINK: High School 101 Recording (Designed specifically for 9th grade parents and those with students new to Centennial. We’ll explore grade-level programming and will share valuable tips to help your student thrive in HS)
- Download Powerpoint: HS 101 (Parent Night Fall 2024)
- LINK: The College Application (Designed for 12th grade parents and those interested in a deep-dive into the college application process)
- LINK: Post-Secondary Resources Recording (An overview of resources available to you and your students through the CHS College & Career Center. Appropriate for ALL grade levels)
- Applerouth Presentation: SAT/ACT Updates Video (Applerouth will share SAT and ACT updates and test preparatory resources for 2024-2025)
- Download Applerouth Powerpoint: SAT ACT Presentation for Oct 2024
- LINK: Sophomore Year Tips & Tasks Recording (important updates, to-dos, and information for your 10th grade student)
- LINK: Junior Year Tips & Tasks Recording (important updates, to-dos, and information for your 11th grade student)
- Download Powerpoint for Sophomore/Junior meeting: 10th & 11th Parent Night Presentation 2024
- Military Message Video
- Pathways2LIFE Message
Pathways2Life (P2L) is excited to partner with Centennial High School. Our goal is to transform students’ lives. Our core belief is “there is another way to respond to life’s challenges, another way to help youth navigate harmful substances and another way to build strong communities”. P2L will work with students, parents and school staff to create safe spaces that allow them to find their path. We will deliver prevention strategies designed to protect our teenagers as they move through this challenging time. We aim to increase understanding of mental wellness, substance use, and critical life skills. We will assess and intervene so that students can fulfill their potential – from the family room to the classroom and beyond.
P2L team members have overcome various obstacles including mental health challenges, behavior disorders and addiction. Our personal journeys have taught us important lessons and enable us to speak with authority and conviction about the challenges that today’s young people face. We have become trusted guides leading others to growth. For more information on P2L, please contact us at (404) 317-7203 or check out our website at www.pathways2life.org
Centennial High School Signup links (both are required)
CEHS Student Link https://signnow.com/s/8TVYVqMs
CEHS Parent Link https://signnow.com/s/kH2rpCiQ
9th Grade Programs
- PRESENTATIONS are viewable here: www.mycentennialcounseling.com/9-grade
- Fall Freshman Classroom Guidance & Counselors’ Welcome: Knowing Your #s for Academic Success-Grad Reqs, Tracking Credits, Power of Zeroes, Goal Setting
Signs of Suicide (SOS) Classroom Guidance: (delivered in conjunction with Health courses per semester) — Suicide prevention program designed to 1) decrease suicide and suicide attempts by increasing student knowledge and adaptive attitudes about depression, 2) encourage personal help-seeking and/or help-seeking on behalf of a friend, 3) reduce the stigma of mental illness and acknowledge the importance of seeking help or treatment. CHS counseling adopted this program in 2006 and continues to deliver it to all students in conjunction with the Health course curriculum.
- Counselors assist students with course selection for the upcoming school year (February – March)
10th Grade Programs
- PRESENTATIONS are viewable here: www.mycentennialcounseling.com/10-grade
Sophomore Classroom Guidance: Review of Graduation Credit requirements and Transcripts; Career Exploration via Naviance
- During Fall semester, 10th graders will be given the YouScience assessments during KTT Flex Period
- YouScience Student Instructions.pdf (fultonschools.org)
10th Grade Georgia BRIDGE Law Benchmark Activity: Dual-Enrollment Opportunities and Naviance Career Inventory Assessment
Counselors assist students with course selection for the upcoming school year (February – March)
11th Grade Programs
- PRESENTATIONS are viewable here: www.mycentennialcounseling.com/11-grade
Fall Junior Classroom Guidance: College Selectivity-What Factors Colleges Consider in Admissions
11th Grade Georgia BRIDGE Law Benchmark Activity: Virtual College Search
Junior Advisement Meetings: Individual Graduation Status Check/Post-Secondary Planning (January – March)
Spring Junior Classroom Guidance: Finding the Right Fit-What Factors Student Should Consider in Their College Search Process
Counselors assist students with course selection for the upcoming school year (February – March)
12th Grade Programs
- Fall Senior Classroom Guidance: Graduation 101 – Post-secondary Resources & College Application Process
- PRESENTATIONS are viewable here: www.mycentennialcounseling.com/12-grade
“Apply to College” Day: NOVEMBER 7, 2024
12th Grade BRIDGE Law Benchmark Activity/Senior Exit Survey: Documenting Post-Secondary Plans (May)
PROBE College Fairs: http://www.gaprobe.org/
- Peach State Tour (UGA, Georgia State, Georgia Tech) College Fair:
- For Current 10th-11th Grade students
- Featuring Dual Enrollment coordinators from Georgia State University and Gwinnett Technical College will outline their dual enrollment participation requirements and student expectations.
- CHS DE WEBSITE: www.CHSDualEnrollment.weebly.com
- Presentation: Dual Enrollment PowerPoint Presentation
Rising 9th Grade Programs
Current 8th graders from Haynes Bridge MS, Holcomb Bridge MS, Private, or Homeschooled Institutions looking to attend Centennial HS in the upcoming school year
Rising 9th Grade (class of 2029) PARENT NIGHT:
- January 29, 2025
- Auditorium
Click HERE to view 8th Grade Centennial Visitation Days & Information
ALL STUDENTS – Counseling-Related Programs Reaching Grades 9-12
- College & Career MONTH Activities: Throughout the month of October
- COLLEGE/CAREER CALENDAR: www.Tinyurl.com/CHSCollegeCareerCalendar
- Counselor Advisory Council
- Meet semesterly to discuss Counseling department goals and successes. Includes students, teachers, administrators, parents, and community members. All grade level students & parents are welcome
- College Representative Visits (Grades 9-12) – http://www.mycentennialcounseling.com/college-careers-3/college-visits/
Additional School Counseling Services
- Academic Advisement
- Group Counseling
- New Student Liaisons
- Parent/ Teacher Conferences
- College & Career Advisement
- College & Career Exploration
- Community Agent Referrals
- Collaboration with Teachers, Administrators, Graduation Coach, School Social Worker, and School Psychologist
- Foreign Exchange Program
- Summer School Programs & Registration
- SAT and ACT Information
- Crisis Intervention
- Dual Enrollment Information
FAFSA Updates:
- CHS Career Fair for Careers without a 4-year degree
- Path to College for Hispanics / RUTA A LA UNIVERSIDAD PARA HISPANOS
- TBD January 2025
- Latino students presentation in English & Spanish
- If you have questions, please email Marilu Anderson at andersonm2@fultonschools.org
- Si tiene preguntas envie un email a Marilu Anderson a andersonm2@fultonschools.org
COLLEGE ENGLISH is a dual enrollment opportunity is a 4th ELA course option for students seeking advanced rigor.
- CHS DE WEBSITE: www.CHSDualEnrollment.weebly.com
- The opportunity is reserved for remarkably independent self-motivators who respond well to deadlines, and who read and respond favorably to e-mailed tasks.
- The COLLEGE ENGLISH (FALL-ENGL 1101 and SPRING-ENGL 1102) course is hosted through GEORGIA STATE UNIVERSITY (GSU); therefore, students should apply to the GSU dual enrollment program.
- COLLEGE ENGLISH is a GSU Language Arts course taught on the Centennial High School campus. Students must be accepted into the college as a dual enrollment student in order to participate. Centennial HS counselors do not participate in the GSU student admittance process.
- The class begins at 8:00 AM on the Centennial High School campus and meets twice per week.
- The contact form found on the MS TEAMS PAGE
Auburn First: Auburn University Dual Enrollment Information
- To view all program changes, including a tuition adjustment and our new automatic admission policy, visit the website: aub.ie/auburnfirst
Virtual Information Sessions: Throughout the month of September, our team will host virtual info sessions for interested students, parents, and counselors on Tuesdays at noon (CST) and Thursdays at 4pm (CST). The first session will be held Tuesday, September 5th at noon (CST). Sessions will be recorded for those who cannot join and are available upon request. aub.ie/aufirstinfo. Join us if you have questions!
- IB Diploma Programme Night, hosted by IB Coordinator
- For 10th graders and parents
- Date and Information is found on https://centennial.fultonschools.org
- Email for questions: Dr. Von B, VONBIBERSTEI@fultonschools.org
- AP (Advanced Placement)/ IB/ DE Night, Hosted by CHS Administration
- Date and Information is found on https://centennial.fultonschools.org
- DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION: AP, IB, & Dual Enrollment Night PowerPoint 2024 Final 1.12.24